BrainTap Technical Overview
3515 Trent Road, Suite 1
New Bern, NC 28562
Version 1.0 - September 2019.
1. Disclaimer...........................................................................................................01
2. Introduction - Audio-Visual Brain Entrainment...............................................01
3. BrainTap Research Data....................................................................................04
3.1. Primary Research Outcomes 04
3.2. Studies - Design Principles 04
3.3. Study #1 05
3.4. Study #2 08
4. 4. Frequently Asked Questions.........................................................................12
4.1. What is the BrainTap headset? 12
4.2. What is brainwave entrainment? 12
4.3. What are brainwave frequencies? 13
4.4. What are the primary brainwave frequencies? 13
4.5. What is frequency following response? 14
4.6. What are binaural beats? 14
4.7. What are isochronic tones? 14
4.8. Why are there lights in the earphones? 15
4.9. How important are the music and tones? 15
4.10. Why are LED's used instead of incandescent lights? 15
4.11. Are the audio sessions effective without the Braintap headset? 16
4.12. Why are there sometimes two voices on the Braintap audios? 16
4.13. What happens during a Braintap session? 16
4.14. What is it like to experience Braintap? 17
4.15. What are the benefits of using the Braintap headset? 17
4.16. How does Braintap produce such amazing results? 18
4.17. How soon will I notice results? 19
4.18. How will I know I've reached alpha or theta? 19
4.19. Is it safe? 19
4.20. Who can benefit from Braintap technology? 19
4.21. Can everyone use the Braintap headset? 20
4.22. Can children use the Braintap headset? 20
5. References .........................................................................................................21
Version 1.0 - September 2019.
3515 Trent Road, Suite 1
New Bern, NC 28562
BrainTap Technologies Technical Overview Version 1.0 - September 2019.
1. Disclaimer
All research and information published herein is for informational purposes only.
Readers are encouraged to confirm or verify information contained herein with other
sources. The present document consists of a technical overview of BrainTap
Technologies and is not in any way intended to be a complete and definite review on
the matter, recognizing that the underlying information may not be current, complete or
exhaustive. We strive for accuracy and completeness to support our opinions, however
all information is presented “as is” without warranty of any kind – express or implied.
BrainTap Technologies does not take any responsibility and accepts no liability
for any loss or damage of any kind arising out of the use, misuse, or reliance upon, the
material presented herein. This work is a not intended to constitute a recommendation.
Your use of any information contained herein is entirely at your own risk.
This document may contain material for the sole use of the intended recipient.
Any review, copying, or distribution of this document without prior consent of BrainTap
Technologies is strictly prohibited.
2. Introduction - Audio-Visual Brain Entrainment
Human brain waves, measured by an electroencephalogram (EEG), are rhythmic
or repetitive patterns of neural activity in Central Nervous System (CNS) neurons. It is
through these electrical signals that the brain communicates within itself and with other
organ systems (Tatum 2014). Coherent and functional brainwave patterns are required
for the successful processing, execution and completion of a task, whether physical
(such as walking) or mental (solving an algebra problem, for instance) (Tang et al.,
It is well known that brain oscillatory rhythms that fall in the 1-30Hz frequency
range can be modulated or entrained1 by an external stimulus (Thut et al., 2011). More
specifically, entrainment occurs if a population of neurons in a stimulated region adopts
the phase of an entraining stimulus. The entraining stimulus has two effects on
population activity: (i) an increase in signal intensity (or power) as more and more
1 To entrain means "to determine or modify the phase or period of something” (Merriam
Webster online dictionary -
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3515 Trent Road, Suite 1
New Bern, NC 28562
neurons become phase aligned to the entraining stimulus, and (ii) phase alignment of
the population activity to the entraining stimulus (Hanslmayr et al., 2019).
In healthy individuals, specific brainwave patterns are associated with various
mental states. Five common brainwave frequency bands or patterns (delta, theta,
alpha, beta and gamma) and related mental activities have been described (Thompson
and Thompson 2003). Brainwave or Neural entrainment, may provide an almost
instantaneous increase in power of the stimulated oscillatory frequency (Chaieb et al.,
2015), and can be achieved with minimal effort from the participant through rhythmic
auditory (Isochronic tones, Binaural beats) or visual stimulation to entrain neural
The development of Audiovisual Brain Entrainment (AVBE), also called Audio-
Visual Neurostimulation (AVN), began with the observation of the effects of light in
everyday life. Historically, the effect of flashing lights on humans dates back to 125
A.D., when Apuleius observed that the flickering light produced by a potter's wheel
induced a physical response associated with epilepsy (Hutchison, 1990). Formal
studies on optical stimulation by light began in the early 1900s, when French
psychologist Pierre Janet observed that his patients were experiencing a reduction in
psychological strain when looking at flickering lights generated by a rotating wheel
spinning in front of a paraffin lamp (Tang et al., 2015). With the development of the
EEG, Adrian and Matthews (1934) documented the impact of photic stimulation on
brain activity. In 1949, the British neuroscientist W. Gray Walter first documented the
effect of photic stimulation on both brain activity changes and subjective sensory
perceptions in a study with several hundred participants. To his apparent surprise, he
also found that the photic flickering stimulation evoked brain activity changes in the
overall cortex and not just in the visual cortex. This observation of the ‘‘flickering
phenomenon’’ was described in an article that has become a classic in the AVS
scientific literature (Timmermann et al., 1999). Visual entrainment consists of using
flashing or pulsing lights through specially designed glasses to entrain brain wave
activity (Notbohm et al., 2016). Entrainment through visual stimulations such as flashing
light primarily affects the primary visual cortex in occipital lobe of the brain, although,
as previously mentioned, it has been shown to elicit changes in cortical activity widely
distributed throughout the cortex (Timmermann et al., 1999).
Until 1960, researchers focused primarily on the influence of optical stimulation
on brain activity. Beginning in 1960, a study by Gian Emilio Chatrian reported changes
in brainwave voltage potential in response to auditory stimulation (clicking sounds),
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New Bern, NC 28562
regardless of visual input (Chatrian et al. 1960). Then, in 1973, Oster's research on
binaural beats advanced the understanding of acoustic stimulation (Oster, 1973). These
are considered the beginning of auditory brain entrainment stimulation through
isochronic tones and binaural beats.
Isochronic tones are consistent regular beats of a single tone (the frequency at
which the tone is presented is measured in Hertz - Hz). The distinct and repetitive beat
of isochronic tones produce an evoked potential, or evoked response in the brain
(Radeloff et al., 2014). Frequency following response (FFR) occurs when brainwaves
become entrained (synchronized) with the frequency of an isochronic beat (Pandya and
Krishnan, 2004).
Binaural beats, on the other hand, represent the auditory experience of an
oscillating sound that occurs when two sounds with neighboring frequencies are
presented to one's left and right ear separately. This procedure produces a third
phantom beat, whose frequency is equal to the difference of the two presented tones
and which can be manipulated for non-invasive brain stimulation (Beauchene et al.,
2016). For example, when a 400 Hz sound frequency is delivered to the left ear, while a
405 Hz is delivered to the right ear, the brain processes and interprets the two
frequencies as a 5 Hz frequency. Frequency following response (FFR) occurs at the 5Hz
frequency, producing brainwaves at the same rate of 5 Hz (Brain Entrainment), which
can be used to “modulate” brainwave activity.
Although the exact underlying mechanisms are not well understood, audiovisual
brainwave entrainment has been shown to positively affect cognition (Derner et
al., 2018; Colzato et al., 2017; Hommel et al., 2016; Chaieb et al., 2015; Reedijk et al.,
2013; Huang & Charyton, 2008), reduce anxiety levels (Garcia-Argibay et al., 2019;
Chaieb et al., 2017; Wahbeh et al., 2007b; Padmanabhan et al., 2005; Le Scouarnec et
al., 2001); affect psychomotor performance and mood (Lane et al., 1998; Wahbeh et
al., 2007); improve sleep quality (Tang et al., 2015; Abeln et al., 2014); as well as induce
analgesia (Ecsy et al., 2018; Ecsy et al., 2017; Tang et al., 2015) and modulate pain
perception (Garcia-Argibay et al., 2019; Ecsy et al., 2017; Zampi, 2016).
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3. BrainTap Research Data
3.1. Primary Research Outcomes
• In a 2-week pilot study with university students, Braintap sessions effectively
improved quality of sleep as assessed by the Pittsburgh Quality of Sleep Index
(Study #1);
• A single BrainTap session with the headset significantly increased Heart Rate
Variability and parasympathetic activity, as well as decreased stress index and
heart rate in a clinical trial with 100 individuals (Study #2).
The outcomes summarized above are direct results from BrainTap research.
Translation of these outcomes into consumer-based claims requires the creation of an
accurate lexicon that expresses these results into meaningful and accurate
representations. This is done on an individual basis.
3.2. Studies - Design Principles
The studies with BrainTap Technologies outlined below were conducted in
accordance with the following principals:
• Pilot clinical trial;
• Randomized;
• Sample size large enough to allow for statistical significance (95% confidence
interval and a P value ≤ 0.05).
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New Bern, NC 28562
3.3. Study #1
• Pilot Study Title: Effect of the BrainTap Headset on Mood and Quality of Sleep of
university students.
• Design: 2-week Pilot Study with University Students.
• Principal investigator: Prof. Dr. Daniel Martins, PT, Ph.D. Laboratory of
Experimental Neuroscience - UNISUL - Brazil
• Study Site: University of Southern Santa Catarina (UNISUL) - Laboratory of
Experimental Neuroscience - Campus Pedra Branca - Brazil
• Disclosure: The Study was performed in compliance with Good Clinical Practices
(GCP) standards.
• Date of the report: November, 2018.
• Study Objective: To investigate the effect of the BrainTap Headset on Mood and
Quality of Sleep of university students (this study was run as a pilot study as
preparation for a larger clinical trial).
• Institutional Review Board: The study protocol was reviewed and approved by the
University of Southern Santa Catarina (UNISUL) Ethics committee before the
beginning of the study.
• Patient Information and Consent Forms: Informed consent forms were obtained
during patient screening phase of the study at the site of the tests.
• Sample size and population: 7 participants. Four males and three females. Ages
between 20 and 58.
• Inclusion Criteria: Participants were university students; Participants who had not
previous used the technology.
• Exclusion Criteria: Participants who have undergone previous surgeries;
Participants who were making use of analgesics, anti-inflammatories or sleep aids 7
(seven) days prior to as well as during the study; Participants with hearing
• Interventions: The BrainTap headset (3 sessions a week for 2 weeks).
• Evaluations: Epworth Sleepness Scale - Daytime sleepiness; Insomnia Severity
Index; Pittsburgh Quality of Sleep Index; Depression Anxiety and Stress Scale;
Perceived Stress Scale.
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• Results:
Figure 1. Epworth Sleepness Scale - Daytime
sleepiness. The score is interpreted as follows:>
10 points = individuals with a high possibility of
mild somnolence, while> 16 points are indicative
of severe somnolence. The low scores are
indicative of patients with low propensity to sleep
and relax. NS: Not statistically significant. Paired
t-test (prism graphpad 7, USA).
Figure 2. Insomnia Severity Index. Classification
is as follows: (0-7) absence of insomnia; (8-14)
lower limit for insomnia; (15-21) moderate clinical
insomnia; (22-28) severe clinical insomnia. NS:
Not statistically significant. Paired t-test (prism
graphpad 7, USA).
Figure 3. Pittsburgh Quality of Sleep Index. Seven
components (from 0 to 21 items) are evaluated,
which will generate a final score. The
classification is according to the score: (0-4
points) good quality of sleep; (5 to 10 points) poor
quality of sleep and (> 10 points) presence of
sleep disorder. *p<0.05 when compared to
baseline evaluation. Paired t-test (prism graphpad
7, USA).
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New Bern, NC 28562
Figure 4. Depression Anxiety and Stress
Scale. In this scale, 21 items are evaluated
into 3 categories (anxiety, stress and
depression) and for each category there are 7
associated items. The higher the score, the
greater the impairment in the evaluated
category. NS: Not statistically significant.
Paired t-test (prism graphpad 7, USA).
Figure 5. Perceived Stress Scale. The higher
the score the higher the stress. NS: Not
statistically significant. Paired t-test (prism
graphpad 7, USA).
• Conclusion: Braintap sessions effectively reduced Insomnia Severity Index (data
not statistically significant); Pittsburgh Quality of Sleep Index (p<0.05); Depression
Anxiety and Stress Scale (data not statistically significant); and EPS-10 (data not
statistically significant). This participants reported feeling very relaxed during the
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New Bern, NC 28562
3.3. Study #2
• Pilot Study Title: Effect of a single BrainTap session on Heart Rate Variability: a
clinical trial with 100 individuals.
• Design: Single intervention Pilot Study.
• Principal investigator: Michael Porter. BrainTap Technologies.
• Study Site: Data was collected at various events.
• Disclosure: The Study was performed in compliance with Good Clinical Practices
(GCP) standards.
• Date of the report: August, 2019.
• Study Objective: To investigate the effect of the BrainTap Headset on Heart Rate
Variability (this study was run as a pilot study as preparation for a larger clinical
• Patient Information and Consent Forms: Informed consent forms were obtained
at the site of the tests.
• Sample size and population: 100 participants (males and females volunteers).
• Inclusion Criteria: Participants who had not previous used the technology.
• Exclusion Criteria: Participants who had sensitivity to visual stimulation (flickering
lights); Participants with hearing disabilities.
• Interventions: A single 20-minute BrainTap Session with the Headset.
• Evaluations: Heart Rate Variability - pre and post intervention.
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• Results:
Figure 1. Heart Rate Variability Index (HRV
Index). A low HRV is associated with an
increased risk of cardiovascular disease.
Figure 2. RR normal-to-normal intervals
(RRNN). A marker of overall HRV activity.
Figure 3. Root Mean Square of the
Successive RR interval Differences (RMSSD).
A marker of Parasympathetic activity.
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Figure 4. The number of pairs of successive
NN (R-R) intervals that differ by more than 50
ms (NN50). A marker of Parasympathetic
Figure 5. The proportion of NN50 divided by
the total number of NN (R-R) intervals
(pNN50%). A marker of Parasympathetic
Figure 6. High Frequency Band (HFnu). Index
of modulation of the parasympathetic branch
of the autonomic nervous system.
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New Bern, NC 28562
Figure 7. Low Frequency Band (LFnu).
General indicator of aggregate modulation of
both the sympathetic and parasympathetic
branches of the Autonomic Nervous System.
Figure 8. Stress Index.
Figure 9. Heart Rate.
• Conclusion: A single BrainTap session with the headset significantly (p<0.0001)
increased Heart Rate Variability and parasympathetic activity, as well as decreased
(p<0.0001) stress index and heart rate in a clinical trial with 100 individuals.
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3515 Trent Road, Suite 1
New Bern, NC 28562
4. Frequently Asked Questions
4.1. What is the BrainTap headset?
The BrainTap headset is on the leading-edge of the brain-based wellness
approach now being advocated by health and wellness practitioners around the globe.
The BrainTap headset delivers gentle pulses of light through special earphones and
from within a visor. These lights synchronize with two types of sound - binaural beats
and isochronic tones - to produce deep and profound relaxation and varying states of
consciousness. While research has proven that both flickering light and synchronized
tones can produce relaxed states, combining the two guides you to a profound level of
restfulness and rejuvenation that’s otherwise difficult to achieve; it is a state of
tranquility that is optimum for mind/body balance, focus, and accelerated learning.
The BrainTap headset is also considered a portable achievement device. It is
driven by specially encoded guided visualization audio-sessions that are uniquely
encoded with Neuro-Sensory Algorithms (NSAs) to gently guide the user from the
wide-awake state into a deeply relaxed optimum learning state. A mini computer inside
the BrainTap headset converts the NSA encoded signal embedded within each
session, thus guiding the user through the brainwave entrainment process designed
specifically for that session.
With nearly 700 sessions in more than 50 categories, the BrainTap headset
system works with any smartphone or tablet that can operate Apple or Android apps.
4.2. What is brainwave entrainment?
The term entrainment refers to the synchronization of organisms to an external
rhythm. In the case of BrainTap, the organism being entrained is the brain, and we do
this by simulating the rhythms of specific brain wave frequencies known for deep
relaxation and heightened states of consciousness.
It is the process of reaching deep levels of relaxation and then using guided
visualization to form mental images. Visualization it is the primary component of the
imagination and is at the core of the human ability to create, innovate and dream.
Many of history’s inventors, artists and athletes attribute their success to an
exceptional ability to visualize. Thomas Edison, Nikola Tesla, Henry Ford, Tiger Woods,
and the great composer, Chopin, and all reported using visualization to spark their
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3515 Trent Road, Suite 1
New Bern, NC 28562
imaginations and achieve unprecedented levels of performance. In fact, Albert Einstein
once said that he came up with the theory of relativity by imagining what would happen
if he could travel through space on the tip of a light beam. BrainTap Technology can
transport you out of a state of stress or fear, and into a new space of inner calm, peace
and tranquility. A natural byproduct occurs when the body goes loose and limp,
thereby creating the relaxation response - the perfect state for learning or focusing on
4.3. What are brainwave frequencies?
In order to overcome the brutal effects of stress, you need to get out of the fightor-
flight response and into the relaxation response. The relaxation response can’t
happen as long as you generate primarily high beta brainwave activity. Your brainwave
activity must dip into alpha, the intuitive mind, or theta, the inventive mind.
Many believe that theta is the optimum state for creativity and that it’s the only
mode in which one can make a quantum leap in consciousness. Unfortunately, theta
mode is difficult to maintain. This is where the frequency following response generated
through the BrainTap headset comes in; it keeps your brain engaged. By using the
BrainTap headset, your brain is being trained to generate more alpha and theta waves
and fewer beta waves.
4.4. What are the primary brainwave frequencies?
• BETA 13-30 Hz: This is the wide-awake alert state where you spend most of your
waking life. Beta is your reactionary mind. It is the level of your mind where fears,
frustrations and negative emotions are processed. This is also where your strongest
filtering system operates. It is called the critical factor. The key purpose in using the
BrainTap Headset is to train your mind to get out of this state where stress is
• ALPHA 8-13 Hz: This is the frequency most associated with creativity, imagination
and flow. Alpha is the intuitive mind. It is also the brain state associated with
relaxation, tranquility and daydreaming. Flow thinking, or a state of “inward
awareness,” takes place in alpha. It is also known as a super-learning state.
• THETA 4-8 Hz: This is the breakthrough state where you can reinvent your life. Theta
is the inventive mind. It borders on sleep and is a meditative state with access to the
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3515 Trent Road, Suite 1
New Bern, NC 28562
other-than-conscious mind where you have higher levels of creativity, learning, and
inspiration. It is also the state in which the BrainTap Headset help you to visualize
and realize your goals.
• DELTA 1-4 Hz: This is deep, dreamless sleep. Delta is the unconscious mind. The
BrainTap Headset is designed to keep you from falling into this state of sleep. This is
why the light and sound patterns of the BrainTap Headset system continue to change
throughout the session.
4.5. What is frequency following response?
Frequency following response (FFR) is the effect created through synchronized
light and sound. It’s how the brain “syncs” to the strobe lights, beats and tones. While
your brain follows the frequencies, you experience less inner chatter and improved
concentration. After a few weeks of regular use, most people gain a sense of balance
and inner calm. Users report feeling serene, focused, and alert even when faced with
high-pressure situations.
4.6. What are binaural beats?
These are imbedded tones that the brain naturally follows into states of deep
relaxation. Within minutes your brain reaches extraordinary levels of performance that
would otherwise take years of practice to achieve. Binaural beats work by tricking the
brain into hearing a phantom frequency that isn’t really there. For example, if we play a
220 Hz carrier tone into the left ear and a 226.5 Hz carrier tone into the right ear, your
brain perceives the difference between the two, which is a subtle beat frequency of 6.5
Hz, the same frequency associated with deep, meditative states. Your brain naturally
follows this frequency and you experience this deeply relaxed state. Binaural beats are
a proven self-development tool that’s been researched for decades.
4.7. What are isochronic tones?
This is the newest brainwave entrainment technology. Isochronic tones are
manually created, equal intensity pulses of sound separated by an interval of silence.
They turn on and off rapidly, but the speed depends on the desired brain frequency.
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3515 Trent Road, Suite 1
New Bern, NC 28562
The discrete nature of isochronic tones makes them particularly easy for the brain to
4.8. Why are there lights in the earphones?
The lights in the ears are set to the optimum frequency for creating a delightful
feeling of serenity and balance. The earphone lights work by stimulating the ear
meridians with gentle frequency pulses - so gentle that they are not visible to the
human eye - to soothe, harmonize, calm and balance you.
4.9. How important are the music and tones?
The best brainwave entrainment is auditory as well as visual. Environmental
sounds and music have been used for centuries in almost all cultures to create an
altered state of consciousness. For example, native tribes used drums, chants, and
environmental sounds like wind and rain to provide strong mental pictures and
associations. There is a reason we find it relaxing to sit by the ocean and listen to
waves crashing to shore or the sound of a stream as it trickles over rocks. These
pleasant sounds tend to generate alpha brainwave activity naturally.
In today’s frenetic culture, though, we rarely get to enjoy nature’s relaxing
effects. For this reason, Dr. Porter has personally encoded each session so that on a
daily basis you can get a perfectly synchronized experience similar to that which nature
provides. Plus, because the program is encoded into the digital audio file, you can use
the BrainTap headset with any of today’s high quality music players, such as the iPod
or iPad, to ensure the best possible sound quality.
The music you hear on every BrainTap Technology process was composed
specifically to complement the alpha/theta brainwave entrainment. The music is
designed to create a full 360-degree experience that floods your mind with beautiful
images and peaceful thoughts.
4.10. Why are LED's used instead of incandescent lights?
Light emitting diodes, also called LEDs, are solid-state devices that convert
small amounts of safe electrical energy into light. They can be switched on and off
much faster than incandescent lights, producing the crisp strobe-like pulses most
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effective at inducing the frequency following response needed to guide the user
through the brainwave states. For BrainTap, blue LEDs were chosen for their pure,
cool, calming color. Our operational research showed that users preferred the blue
effect through closed eyes more than any other LEDs available. It is important to note
that a person who is prone to seizures should not use the light portion of the BrainTap
headset system.
4.11. Are the audio sessions effective without the Braintap headset?
Visualization and guided imagery techniques have been around for decades.
These are scientifically proven modalities for behavior modification, stress relief and
self-improvement. Now they are made even more effective with the added benefit of
brainwave entrainment through BrainTap Technology. While there is a wide assortment
of relaxation training systems, such has autogenic (self-produced) training, progressive
relaxation, meditation, and biofeedback to name a few, most of these take conscious
effort. With the breakthrough of the BrainTap headset, you don’t have to “believe in” or
“do” anything. You are immersed in the experience and don’t have to create it.
4.12. Why are there sometimes two voices on the Braintap audios?
When you hear a second voice coming through one side the headphone and
then other, it’s not a mistake! This is a technique called “Dual Voice Processing.” Dr.
Porter intentionally recorded the sessions in this way to provide your brain a full
holographic experience. The second voice moving from right to left and back again is
there to stimulate right and left hemisphere balance. It may seem a little disconcerting
at first, but don’t worry, your brain will adapt quickly. The good news is, you don’t have
to consciously listen to any of the voices, so just relax and let it happen. The sessions
that have Dual Voice Processing are marked “DV” and those that don’t will be marked
“SV” for single voice.
4.13. What happens during a Braintap session?
With the BrainTap Headset visor over your closed eyes and headphones over
your ears, you are immersed in a perfect mixture of light and sound frequencies. Your
eyes will be treated to a beautiful light show while you listen to specially designed
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music and the guided BrainTap Technology process. This all combines to enhance your
experience and invite a higher degree of alpha/theta brainwave activity.
Some people may experience colorful geometric patterns while others may lose
track of the lights completely. The light and sound pulse rate shifts from wide-awake
beta to a dreamy drowsy state of theta as the session progresses. Using the science of
frequency following response (FFR), your brainwave activity will follow the pulse rate of
the Neuro-Sensory Algorithms. At the same time, your mind rehearses the changes or
improvements you desire for your life.
4.14. What is it like to experience Braintap?
One of the best definitions of the BrainTap experience came to Dr. Porter from a
satisfied client, who said, “It feels like my body fell asleep, but my mind stayed awake.”
This is because BrainTap generates a natural state, very much like sleep. You are then
provided information that you want to apply when you are awake. This is called
anchoring your vision to your timeline. It works like writing yourself a sticky note and
posting it somewhere to remind you later.
Most people who want to make a change in their lives have the best intentions
in the world, but the reality is, we get what we rehearse in life, not necessarily what we
intend. Through BrainTap, you rehearse the new behaviors, attitudes, and beliefs you
want and create in your mind a timeline for success.
During a BrainTap session, you visualize new responses to old behavioral
triggers. Then, when you encounter the old triggers, you’ll simply “forget to remember
by remembering to forget.” As your new responses take hold, you’ll be convinced that
you can acquire tobacco-free behaviors, think and act like a naturally thin person, or
change any negative, unwanted behavior. It’s that easy!
4.15. What are the benefits of using the Braintap headset?
Today, people spend thousands enhancing their bodies, but do nothing to
improve the quality of their thoughts. The truth is, we can accomplish far more by
managing brainwave activity and mentally rehearsing the positive, productive and
healthy lifestyle we all want. Now, it couldn’t be easier because the benefits of the
BrainTap headset can be virtually limitless.
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• Deep relaxation stimulates the production of natural, stress and tension-relieving
neurotransmitters, such as endorphins.
• Helps change unwanted behaviors and habits, including those contributing to
smoking and over-eating.
• Balances the brain’s right and left hemispheres, inspiring both focus and creativity.
• Promotes relaxation, which contributes to maintaining healthy sleep.
• Brings more blood flow to the brain for clearer thinking and better concentration.
• Alleviates negative mind chatter and enhances motivation and performance.
• Decreases or eliminates jet lag.
• And last, but certainly not least, provides a natural ability to put stress in its place!
The majority of users report stress relief through deep relaxation, maintaining
healthy sleep patterns, improved memory, improved learning skills such as
concentration and recall of information, a sense of calm, increased focus, lucid
dreaming, and increased physical energy.
Please be aware that while the BrainTap Headset is designed to help you reach
your full potential, we cannot guarantee your results. Please understand that results will
vary from person to person.
4.16. How does Braintap produce such amazing results?
The BrainTap system is designed to program behaviors so they become natural,
unconscious, and automatic. You know how to drink water. You know which foods are
more natural for your body. You know what exercise is. You already have these abilities.
Our focus is not to give you these abilities but rather to give you a response to those
abilities, thus creating responsibility. In other words, it gives you the access to the
abilities you already possess! BrainTap provides the motivation, the determination, and
the drive to succeed. It’s a common experience that what the mind thinks about the
mind brings about. The BrainTap headset is designed to help you to get into that
powerful brain wave state where you can impress upon your mind the results you want
in life.
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4.17. How soon will I notice results?
Over 90 percent of those trying the BrainTap headset for the first time report
feeling refreshed and energized right after the first process. While individual results will
vary, many people report feeling more positive and motivated after just a session or
two. Dr. Porter encourages everyone to listen to the full series to reap the most benefit.
Those using the Habits of Naturally Thin People series may notice habit changes, such
as a positive attitude about healthy foods or a desire for water, right after listening to
the first process. Golfers regularly report feeling more relaxed and confident the first
time out on the course after listening to Dr. Porter’s Mental Coaching for Golf
4.18. How will I know I've reached alpha or theta?
Everyone’s experience is unique. No two people experience the same feelings or
sensations while using the BrainTap headset system, and your experience will likely
vary from one session to the next. You might experience lightness, heaviness, or a
tingling sensation. You might even feel your eyelids flutter. You may feel as if you are
drifting in and out of conscious awareness or feel dreamy, similar to how you feel right
before falling asleep at night. Sometimes, as you release tension, your body might jerk
or twitch. All of these are indicators that you are experiencing the alpha/theta state the
BrainTap headset is designed to create.
4.19. Is it safe?
Absolutely. The only known side effects are improved memory, great sleep,
focus, concentration, and reduced stress. However, flashing lights have been known to
cause problems in people who suffer from serious medical conditions like epilepsy,
seizure disorders, brain injury, or photosensitivity. If you have any of these concerns,
you should ask your medical professional if light and sound technology is right for you.
4.20. Who can benefit from Braintap technology?
Anyone who is not sensitive to flashing light can benefit from BrainTap
technology. The BrainTap Headset, used in combination with the guided visualization
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audio-sessions creates a potent tool for creating laser-like focus and enhanced
The light intensity on the BrainTap Headset is adjustable, so those who have
minor light sensitivity can almost always find a setting that’s right for them. Those
diagnosed with light sensitivity seizures should not use the flashing lights in the visor,
but can experience the profound benefits of the guided visualization, auriculotherapy
and relaxing tones.
4.21. Can everyone use the Braintap headset?
Generally speaking, any person can achieve alpha/theta brainwave states and
can benefit from BrainTap Technology. However, the sessions are recommended for
persons with a healthy brain. Persons with severe mental disorders should not use the
BrainTap Headset. Flashing lights have been known to trigger seizures in certain cases.
While this disorder is rare, people who have a seizure disorder of any kind should not
use the lights in the visor. These people can still benefit without the lights. If you are
unsure, ask your doctor before proceeding.
4.22. Can children use the Braintap headset?
As long as the child can sit still in a chair for 10 or 20 minutes, the BrainTap
headset can be of benefit, and there are a variety of sessions geared toward children,
tweens and young adults. We have children as young as five years old using the
technology before bed and getting great results. The “Accelerated Learning Series”
can be used by teens and adults alike.
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